About Author

About Author

Dr. Sunanda Sham Palkar has been active  for over a half century as a teacher, principal, and a visionary educator.  Her passion for  learning has made far reaching impact on both the formal and informal education. Her e- book  is a guiding reflection on the new education policy of  Bharat. Sunandaji has been an inspiring President

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डॉ. भारती सुदामे

डॉ. सुनंदा पालकर हे नाव शिक्षण क्षेत्रात जाणकारां साठी नवीन नाही. शिक्षणाची नवनवीन क्षेत्रं पादाक्रांत करत स्वतःला अद्ययावत ठेवण्याचा त्यांचा उत्साह वाखाणण्यासारखा आहे.1974 पासून अध्यापनाच्या क्षेत्रात आलेल्या सुनंदाताईचा प्रवास अजूनही, पंच्याहत्तरी उलटून गेल्यावरही पस्तीशीच्या उत्साहानं सुरू आहे. अनेक शिक्षणसंस्थांशी, शैक्षणिक चळवळींशी, शैक्षणिक नियतकालिकांशी असलेले त्यांचे संबंध अधिकाधिक दृढ होताहेत. आज या ई-बुकच्या निमित्तानं तंत्रज्ञानाच्या नव्या

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Dr. Asha Bokil

I am highly impressed to read the book ‘2020 chyanavyarashtriyashaikshanikdhoranatadhyapakachinavibhumika’ written by Dr. SunandaPalkar madam. Her long experience in the education field as an academician as well as administrator is reflected in her writing. The entire book of 120 pages right from cover page is full of valuable contents. The cover itself highlights various concepts

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Dr. Anita Patwardhan

Praise for Sunanda Palkar and her Book “Teacher’s Role” in the New Educational Policy 2020 It is indeed a pleasure to welcome a useful and user friendly book on the New Educational Policy. A well awaited handbook for teachers. It gives a comprehensive idea and expections from a teacher in the changed structure of education

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